"A Day in the Life of a Tree" by the Beach Boys
(Editor's note: I started this in October of 2022. That time I only got as far as 22 songs, but I'm going to post this unchanged as an insight into my mental/emotional state 2 years ago. Enjoy.) I had fun last year trying to answer the above questions for my twitter, though I only got about as deep as #7. So ahead of a longer and more intense post about two all-time great bands coming to this blog, I figured I'd share some short, sweet reasons why I like these forty songs. Here we go. 1. A song that made you cry multiple times "A Day in the Life of a Tree" by the Beach Boys I cry almost every time to this one. Beach Boys producer Jack Rieley's vocal makes it sound like the tree is really dying. I also can't help but feel like humans are a disease, and it's disturbing.
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December 2024