Rating: 3/5
Their cover art, which seems to contain the only photo of them, seems provocative too. I don't know whose legs those are but I hope they had fun I guess? The double entendre is kind of obvious but there is something interesting about it. I guess I'm noticing there aren't a lot of trans girls who top represented in most mainstream media (not that there's a lot of trans representation period, and they often avoid going into the sex lives of trans women because of the "scandal" - why no Laverne Cox sex scene?) although this may just be a reflection of trans demographics in real life.
This leads us into the first track, "Tranny on Top". The production here is slightly better than the rest of the EP, though it's still amateurish and the vocals seem like they were recorded in a stairwell or something. I assume Young Tranny sings the chorus, which is also pretty shaky but has some charm. The lyrics seem to actually describe the artist as a "bottom bitch" which could either be a reference to positions again or something else. Not sure. I suppose I should stop assembling clues about this person's sex life but then again the lyrics are very, very sexual. More explicit than most rap, even. The closest thing I can think of is some of Sick Animation's music, most of which is hyper-sexual while still being funny. Although Young Tranny is occasionally funny that doesn't seem to be the main goal of their music. There are some lyrics (though I'd rather not share the specifics) I found pretty relatable, and specifically related to as a trans woman in a way I don't relate to a lot of music out there. Even though it is pretty blunt and crass. The synths are pretty okay and I like the organ bit in the beginning. It's not really my favorite type of rap but I like the chorus and the ending.
"Versatile Girl" is next, and contains a pretty cool synth string arrangement. It seems to be a song about a girl on twitter, which seems to point towards Young Tranny being a person who is "perpetually online". The vocals on the chorus here are a little stronger, though low in the mix. I can relate to the part about anime here, I guess? And hating TERFs, that's pretty universal. I guess the girl is a catgirl too, which is an anime thing. I don't know, the beat here is pretty good but I'm not sure about the lyrics. An okay track.
"In My Butt" seems to be kind of a funky 70s type thing. I like the structure of this one, though the instrumental is a bit sparse. Could definitely use more instruments. There are some lyrics here that seem a little more objectifying. Maybe because in the first two songs YT (haha YT) was talking about herself and a specific girl, whereas this is more general and apparently they "will fuck any girl" who's good-looking or has nice boobs. Okay, shallow? Go off I guess queen? But whatever. Definitely not my favorite song on the EP.
"Hole" is an interesting play on that "smoke weed everyday" song, which YT seems to forget halfway though but is a kind of interesting concept and has some funny-ish moments. The song is specifically about nonbinary people and it's just as sexual as the rest of the EP. The horns are very Next Episode-ish and the synth that got added works well in the song. Probably a highlight of the EP if not the apex. I didn't find any of the lyrics really objectionable and I do identify as nonbinary. Though I could see other people having problems with them (all of the lyrics here are like that honestly though)
That's basically the EP right there, although there is a "freestyle" at the end for some reason. There's a lyric there about not being a rapper and being a "hoe" or something but obviously I've no idea how true that is. Young Tranny DOES seem to be a rapper so I guess I doubt if they're telling the truth here. It might be a reference to something though.
Overall this EP was definitely short and interesting enough to keep my attention. It's not too consistent of a listening experience but it has some good lyrics and melodies. It was mostly just interesting to hear about the trans experience in this way (or at least part of it). I'm not sure the concept could sustain itself for an entire album but I guess I'd be happy if it did. I wish this person luck with it despite wishing they would use the word tranny a bit less. I would mostly recommend this EP to trans people specifically. There's some stuff here I would rather cis people didn't know honestly :/